Friday, 20 July 2018

LIFESTYLE: Health Gains of Exercising Vagina

Your vagina is capable of a lot of things, including lifting weights. Yup, vaginal weightlifting is a thing, and it’s growing in popularity thanks to sex and relationship coach Kim Anamiwho started the hashtag #thingsiliftwithmyvagina to bring awareness to the practice.
Vaginal weightlifting is a pelvic floor exercise similar to Kegels, where you lift and squeeze objects in order to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles. It may sound a little “out there,” but as long as you follow the proper techniques, it’s a safe way to spice up your sex life and improve your health.

Read on to learn more about the benefits, what to use, how to practice, and more.

What’s the point?
Vaginal weightlifting can help you train your pelvic floor muscles and increase blood flow to your genitals — both of which can do wonders for your sex life.
Some of the saucy benefits include:
*enhanced sexual arousal
*more internal control during penetration
*more intense contractions during climax
*a stronger grip during sex, which could boost your partner’s orgasms

Studies show that vaginal weightlifting has other health benefits, too. Your pelvic organs are better supported by stronger pelvic floor muscles, which can help:
*prevent or treat uterine prolapse
*prevent leakage and improve your core after childbirth

But before you take up vaginal weightlifting, talk to your doctor to make sure the practice is right for you. “[It’s] best to address the root of the problem that vaginal weightlifting is trying to heal,” says Dr. Janet Brito, a licensed psychologist and certified sex therapist with the Center for Sexual and Reproductive Health. Although vaginal weightlifting may help your core concern, you may also benefit from additional therapies. Your doctor can help you develop a treatment plan that best suits your needs.

What do you use?
From cones to jade eggs, there a few different available options when it comes to weightlifting tools. Once you decide on which one you want to try, you can buy them from online medical supply stores or retailers like Amazon.

Jade egg
A jade egg is an oval-shaped stone weight that could fit in the palm of your hand. You can use the egg as-is, or tie a heavier object to it with a thick string. Anecdotal reports say using a jade egg can boost your sex life, but the practice is controversial and not recommended by doctors.
In fact, Dr. Brito cautions that jade eggs are made from a porous material that can trap bacteria. Jade eggs are also difficult to clean, allowing trapped bacteria to build up over time. This may lead to a serious infection, such as bacterial vaginosis.
“Overall, there’s no evidence in support of using jade eggs for pelvic floor training,” she says.

Cones or weights
The two most commonly used objects for vaginal weightlifting are:
Cones. These weighted tampon-sized objects are usually made of plastic-coated stainless steel.

Kegel exercise weights. These weights are typically made of medical-grade silicone and come in different shapes, such as teardrops or spheres.
Most cones or weights come in a group of six, ranging from 20 grams to 100 grams in size. But before you purchase a set, Dr. Brito suggests meeting with a pelvic floor therapist. They can help you determine whether this approach is right for you, as well as what size you should start with.
Specially-made sex toys
There aren’t any specially-made toys on the market for vaginal weightlifting — but that doesn’t mean ordinary objects can be used in the practice.
Anami has lifted everything from figurines and trophies to mangos and dragon fruit, often tied to a stone or egg held in her vagina. But if you’re new to vaginal weightlifting, you probably shouldn’t lift that bucket of apples just yet. Your doctor or a pelvic floor therapist can advise you on when you can safely increase your weight.
If you want to start vaginal weightlifting, it’s important to know and practice the right techniques. Here are a few things to keep in mind before you begin.

Before you start lifting, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. You should also make sure your weightlifting tool is clean — if not, wash that, too, using soap and water.
Run it under the tap to make sure all the soap residue is off.
You should start with the lightest weight and gradually progress to a heavier size over time.

Apply a small amount of silicone-free lube on your weight so you can insert it safely. You can put in the weight the same way you would a tampon. Or, if you’re not a tampon user, you can lie on your back with one leg lifted.
The string on the object should still hang outside of your vagina after you’ve inserted it. If it’s not, you pushed the tool up too far. Simply relax your muscles to pull the weight out and readjust until it’s in the correct position.
Once it’s properly inserted, squeeze your pelvic floor muscles to hold the weight in place.

Start by doing 3 sets of 12 repetitions, 2 times a day, about 3 times a week. To do this, lift and squeeze the weight for 5 seconds, then relax for another 5 seconds. You can do this lying on your side or while standing up.
Contraction and relaxation should last no longer than 5 seconds, otherwise it may cause pelvic problems.
“Pelvic floor muscles aren’t meant to contract continuously, but meant to respond to different situations,” Brito tells Healthline. “To keep it contracted for long periods of time could more than likely contribute to pelvic floor dysfunction.”
You can gradually increase weight size as you move along in your practice. After about two months, try adding an exercise to your routine to help build strength. While holding the weight in your vagina, do some squats or walk up and down the stairs.

Removal and aftercare
You should be able to pull out the weight by slowly tugging on the string until it slips out. If you can’t find the string, don’t worry! Think of the weight as a tampon: It probably got pushed up deeper into your vagina, which means you’ll have to do a dig with your finger to find it. Once you do, gently grab the string, pull, and remove.
You can also remove vaginal weights the same way you inserted them. Once your weight is out, wash it thoroughly with soap and warm water. Keep in mind, though, that some products will have specific aftercare instructions, so make sure to follow those steps provided.

Are there any risks?
As with any exercise, vaginal weightlifting does come with some potential risks, including:
Overexertion, tearing, pain and discomfort

The easiest way to avoid these risks is to make sure you’re using the correct exercise technique and the right size weights. Dr. Brito suggests asking your doctor for more guidance on best practices for you and your body.
You may also want to avoid vaginal weightlifting all together if you:
*are pregnant or recovering from childbirth
*have pelvic pain or an active pelvic infection
*are recovering from gynecological surgery

You’re more likely to hurt yourself if you use vaginal weights during any of these situations. If you still want to try vaginal weightlifting, check with your doctor first.

The bottom line
There’s no doubt that vaginal weightlifting has some benefit to your health. It could improve your sex life, as well as prevent any unwanted leakage.
But vaginal weightlifting isn’t for everyone, so make sure you consult your doctor before strapping a surfboard to your Kegel balls. Knowing the right techniques and what your body can handle will help prevent pain and discomfort.


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